How To Format Flash Disk Using Command Prompt

How To Format Flash Disk Using Command Prompt

I want Sharing Trick, which certainly had a lot to know, but this time I wanted to post again to a still Knowing this way.

Here are his steps How To Format Flash Disk Using Command Prompt:

Open CMD, by clicking the Start Menu> All Programs> Accessories> Command Prompt.
or by Press "Windows key + R" then typing cmd, and press Enter.
Type the command: diskpart, then enter.
Type another command: list volume, then enter (View in Windows Explorer drive what is in use by your usb)

For example, your flash is in volume 4, So Please type: select volume 4 and then enter.
Type: clean, then Enter.
Type: create partition primary, and Enter.
Type: select partition 1, press Enter.
type: active, and Enter.
Type format fs = fat32, press Enter. then wait until the Finish Prossesnya (100%)

and the latter if completed 100%, type: assisgn, and press Enter

Completed, to command just type CMD Exit: exit and press Enter.

here's an example if successful: