1. pwd
Used to determine our position in the Terminal.
2. ls
Function to see a list of files and folders.
3. CD
Used to switch between folders. The command means "Change Directory".
4. cp
This command is used to copy / copy files.
Format command is: cp [filename] / [folder_tujuan] /
Example: cp belajar_ubuntu.txt / media
5. mv
This command is used to move files and rename file (rename) in the terminal. The meaning of this is the move command.
Format command is: mv [filename] / [folder_tujuan] /
Example: mv belajar_ubuntu.txt / media
To change the file name format command is mv [filename] [nama_file_baru]
Example: mv belajar_ubuntu.txt belajar_linux.txt
6. rm
Function to delete a file or folder. rm stands for remove.
Format using the command: rm [filename]
Example: rm belajar_ubuntu.txt
After this command is typed, you have to type the letter "y" to confirm the deletion.
Rm command can also be used to delete the folder.
The format is: rm-R [nama_folder]
Example: rm-R Music.
However, not all files can be removed easily. You can only delete the files / folders that are allowed full access to you. You must use the sudo command to remove it.
Example: sudo rm-R / var / log / log_my_program
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